Thirty-five young people under, or previously under, the the guardianship of the Minister gave their views of the child protection system in a consultation with the Child Protection Systems Royal Commission on the afternoon of 25 March 2015. The young people were invited to work through a series of scenarios involving an imaginary family and their children and to speculate what could and should be done to support and protect them.
Guardian Pam Simmons said that she was very pleased with the result.
‘As always the young people amazed us with their thoughtfulness, enthusiasm and generosity and I know that the Royal Commission will benefit from the immediacy and relevance of the young people’s contribution.’
While views differed on some of the detail, one young person summed up for all with, “The children must be heard -in their own words.”
The consultation was a partnership between the Royal Commission, CreateSA and the Guardian’s Office, who will share the outputs from the session, with the support of Red Cross SA who provided an excellent meeting space.