Reviewing the Charter of Rights in 2015

words chater of rights in a speech bubble


The Charter of Rights for Children and Young People in Care was launched in April 2006 and is now due for review.

Since 2006, the Charter has been endorsed by nearly 70 organisations, assisted children and young people to understand their rights and helped the adults in their lives to advocate for and with them.

The Charter has also proven to be a valuable vehicle for conversations between adults and children about the interplay between rights and responsibilities which have made the world a fairer and kinder place.

The place to start in reviewing the Charter is with the children and young people themselves. During 2015 the Guardian’s Office will be partnering with colleagues in government and non-government organisations to ask groups of young people in care about:

  • the relevance of what is written in the Charter
  • what they think the Charter should look like
  • what new ways, as well as the usual posters and booklets, could we use to get the rights message out to children and young people and adults.

‘In the past I have found children and young people in care only too ready to talk passionately and insightfully about rights and I am looking forward to another vigorous conversation’, says Guardian Pam Simmons.

‘The consultations with young people will be followed by meetings with other stakeholders including the Charter of Rights Implementation Committee.

‘Finally we will bring the draft back to a group comprising some of the young people for final sign-off.’

‘We plan to review the content of the Charter but also create a new communication and implementation plan leading on to a new range of Charter promotional materials and a look at the roles of endorsing agencies and Charter Champions.’

If you have any queries about the consultation events with young people, please contact Jodie Evans on 8226 8423 or

If you want to know more about the Charter and its work you can visit the Charter of Rights pages on the

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