In 2017-18 there were 671 total admissions accounting for 329 individual young people of whom half or more were in remand awaiting trial.
On an average day in 2017-18 there were 44.31 young people residing in the Centre. Of these:
- 9.3 % were young women
- 24.3% were under guardianship orders at the time they were admitted
- 62.3% were of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent
This compares with highest daily occupancy (since the Magill and Cavan Centres were amalgamated) of 61.06 in 2012-13 and last year’s average daily occupancy of 49.07.
The age distribution of the young people at the time of admission was:
3 Responses
76.0% on Guardianship Orders is a very alarming statistic indeed. Clearly we are not getting preventative interventions right for this cohort.
Hi Janet
It has just come to our attention that the 76$ figure was an error, which we have now corrected. The actual number is 24.3% of average daily admissions which still makes young people in state care about 24 times more likely to end enter detention than a young person from the same age group in the general community.
it’s so sad to see that our younger generations are incarcerated at a young age it definitely starts at home with parents and most of these young fullas don’t have mums and dads because they lost them through drugs and alcohol and majority of our younger generation are in the family as systems I think most of these young kids just need support guildence mentoring some one to tell them it’s gonna be ok they definitely have a bright futures ahead of them it’s the choices that they make at the end of the day they are worth everything in everyway there are people out there that do care about these young fullas all they need is love they yurn for that if there’s anything I could do them I’m happy to help in anyway possible it’s definitely worth making a difference in these young fullas life’s or even saving a life peace ❤