What’s been done – September 2013 to February 2014

The Guardian’s Inquiry into children’s experience of moving while in care was completed with the final report released in October.  To accompany the report, a team from the Office produced a nine minute video of three young people giving their views about moving, practice take-aways  for practitioners, and a literature review.

picture of a young woman being enterviewedIn November we farewelled our Youth Advisors and introduced a new model of youth participation with consultation workshops held in partnership with agencies and with different groups of young people.

Also in November we held a forum attended by 85 Charter Champions on the topic of building a sense of identity and belonging for children and young people in care.  A summary of the session content is now available in PDF as Charter Champions’ Forum Takeaways .

We welcomed three new agencies that successfully met the requirements of endorsement of the Charter of Rights. They were Community Living Options, CLASS and Community Support Incorporated.  This brings the total number of endorsing agencies to 61.

The Year in Review, a summary of the annual report, was released in early December, following the tabling of the Guardian’s 2012-13 Annual Report in November .

We prepared a response to the proposed Youth Justice Administration Bill and to the Child Development and Wellbeing Bill in December.

In the October to December quarter the Office of the Guardian received 36 requests for intervention that fell within our mandate, involving 55 children in care. The Senior Advocate audited 40 annual reviews and the Advocates made eight official visits to residential or youth justice units.

A report on the findings of the 2012-13 Audit of Annual Reviews  was released in September, together with a summary infographic .

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