77 endorsing organisations!
410 Charter Champions!
The release of the revised Charter of Rights for Children in Care and the re-endorsement by organisations throughout 2016 and into 2017 has been a great success. The Department for Community and Social Inclusion (DCSI) is the latest to add its name to a the growing list.
‘It’s not about the numbers of course but it’s been really exciting and satisfying to see how agencies working with children in care have responded to the revised Charter of Rights for Children and Young People,’ said Charter Coordinator Nicole Pilkington.
‘Every organisation that has endorsed the Charter has now been through the full endorsement process and aligned their values and practices with the 37 rights in the new Charter.
‘I had some fascinating conversations and found out about the work of some great organisations as we worked through the endorsement process since May last year.
‘It is encouraging to know that we have more than 400 champions of the rights of young people seeded throughout the child protection and out of home care system. Being so close to the action, Charter Champions are great sources of ideas and feedback at a time when child protection is gearing up for such profound changes.
‘We are also fully stocked with the new posters, booklets, contact cards and other materials that reflect the revised Charter, ’ she said.
Organisations that have endorsed the Charter can order the materials free of charge for distribution to children in state care through the requesting materials page of the Guardian’s website.
An earlier version of this article also appeared in the February 2017 edition of the Guardian’s Newsletter.