In July, the Guardian released a report on Children and Young People in SA Government Schools 2007-2013 which tracks results in literacy, numeracy, attendance and enrollment.
Also released in July was the Model Charter of Rights for Children and Young People Detained in Youth Justice Facilities. This charter of rights was developed by the Australian Children’s Commissioners and Guardians (see p5).
Our one page summary of data about Aboriginal children in state care in South Australia was released.
Released in June was the third comic book for children and young people in care. The theme of CEASEFIRE! is negotiating for what you want. It can be ordered for young people in care from our Requesting materials page.
Two further consultation sessions with young people on the theme of respect have been held in this quarter. The first, with 16 to 18 year olds, was conducted with the assistance of Muggy’s Youth Accommodation Service (Salvation Army) and some of the young people’s observations are featured on page six of this newsletter. The second, with 8 to 13 year olds, was conducted with the assistance of Key Assets foster care agency.
The Guardian is combining a presentation of the findings of the Moving in Care inquiry with a discussion of issues for children and young people in care in a series of workshops across the State. They commenced in July in the Metro areas and Eyre Peninsula and by early September she will have met more than 300 people in over 30 workshops.
A written submission was made to the Legislative Council Select Committee on Statutory Child Protection and Care.
Four agencies have received their certificates for endorsing the Charter of Rights for Children and Young People in Care: disAbility Living, Hendercare, Caring Choice and Orana. This takes the total of endorsing agencies to 65. There are now 266 Charter Champions promoting children’s rights in these agencies.
In the April to June quarter the Office of the Guardian received 35 requests for intervention that fell within our mandate, involving 37 children and young people in care. The Senior Advocate audited 45 annual reviews and the Advocates made six official visits to residential or youth justice units.