In the last three months the Office has made ten presentations related to the Information Sharing Guidelines and promoting sound information exchange for the wellbeing of children and young people. They include addressing the Australasian Judicial Legal Administration Child Protection conference and presenting at a number of workshops and forums focussing on NGOs
The strategic plan for 2011-2015 has been written, guided by the findings of the independent review conducted in 2010 and will be posted on our website soon.
The Guardian consulted with 322 people in 35 workshops around the state as part of the 2011 field consultation which concluded in May. A report has been sent to the Minister and to all participants.
The Youth Advisory Committee has met twice in the second quarter of 2011 and the Youth Advisors are now considering consultation models that will elicit a wider range of young peoples’ views.
The 2011 inquiry into what children say about contact with their siblings is in its final stages. Interviews were conducted with 18 children and case file evidence taken from 100 files. The reference group has considered the findings and the report is due for release in November.

Keep up to the minute on the Office’s current projects on Twitter.