So the school holidays are here, and while we will need to stay at home, there are plenty of ways to have fun and stay connected to our family and friends. It is important that we provide plenty of opportunities for children (especially those in care) to have fun and to just be kids in this stressful time. Staying in touch with family is also important for their mental health and wellbeing.
We have put together a few ideas on what you and the children in your care can do these school holidays: to laugh, connect and enjoy the small things.
The list is endless but here are a few of our favourites:
- Ensure the child stays connected to their family and friends as much as possible by regular phone calls or video chats.
- Ask the child to write a letter or draw a picture of someone they love and post it to them. The Little Book Club has a cute idea on making a book about a child’s grandpa or older relative.
- If a child is a clubCREATE member they could win a cool prize pack for sharing what they have been doing/making/creating by entering in CREATE’s Stuck at Home Competition. Entries close 16 April. Check out their website for details.
- Connect with, or learn about the child’s culture. For Aboriginal children – don’t forget to share photos of connecting to culture with SNAICC on Facebook (include @SNAICC and use the hashtag #KidsConnectedToCulture).
- Plant seeds or seedlings in a pot or garden and watch them grow. You can even take photos and measure their growth.
- Have a cooking day (this is a great way to celebrate individual cultures in the house too).
- Set up your own backyard Olympics – social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t get outside and run around.
- Connect with other young people in SA and have a say on the SA Commission for Children and Young People’s new online hub.
- Read books. A lot of libraries are offering ‘click and collect’ services, while some libraries are offering school holiday programs online – contact your local library for details.
- Have an Easter egg hunt – we’re pretty sure Easter Bilby is immune to COVID-19 and will still be visiting!
How are you spending the school holidays? Share your photos on our Facebook page.
Don’t forget you can still contact our advocates if you or a child or young person has concerns about their rights and best interests. Call us on 8226 8570, 1800 275 664 (freecall for children and young people only) or email.