Implementation of the Information Sharing Guidelines is going well with Nunkuwarrin Yunti, DECS, DFC, SA Health and UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide in the training and induction phase for staff. The second stage agencies, Australian Red Cross, Centacare and the government agencies under the umbrella of the Department of Justice, are preparing their procedures.
The Guardian’s 2008-09 Annual Report was tabled in Parliament in late October and the report of the inquiry into the use of physical restraint was released to the public on 13 January. The restraint report and a report summary are available on the Guardian’s website.
A brochure to encourage young people under guardianship to consider applying to attend university was distributed to all Families SA offices, secondary schools and major universities.
The Office’s Child-sensitive records checklist,is now available as a PDF download
The Being in Care products for children are in demand and some items are now out of stock. We are delighted that so many children have the products and hear the message that they have the right to be safe.
Sara Bann, one of our Youth Advisors, met the Prime Minister on 20 January and gave him a copy of the book, How Australian Kids See the World, commemorating the 20thanniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
We welcome to our team Benita Brinkworth, 15, our newest Youth Advisor.