1 March 2016
In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities or persons of indigenous origin exist, a child belonging to such a minority or who is indigenous shall not be denied the right, in community with other members of his or her group, to enjoy his or her own culture, to profess and practise his or her own religion, or to use his or her own language.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – Article 30
Almost 30 per cent of young people in State care in South Australia are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent, more than ten times the rate of their representation in the general community. The multiple disadvantages faced by the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community translates into particular challenges for providers of residential care and supporting strong cultural and community connections offers a way forward for young people and the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community as a whole.
Focussing on these challenges, the Guardian’s Office recently released the Literature Review – Residential Care for Aboriginal Children and Young People (August 2015). This flagged the need for a set of qualitative performance indicators to help monitor and evaluate how the care provided supports the right of the young residents to participate in and benefit from their Aboriginal culture and community.
The Guardian’s Office is developing those culture and community indicators now.
The new indicators will help Advocates monitor how residential care services support the right of the young residents to participate in and benefit from their Aboriginal culture and community connections. They will complement the Office’s current monitoring practice.
They will also be useful for house managers and staff, complementing in a practical way existing policies and activities such as Aboriginal Identity Planning and other standard practices such as annual case reviews.
What the Guardian’s Office and residential care staff learn from applying the new indicators will be included in the reports we provide to houses and Families SA and to advocate for policy and practice developments.
The new Indicators will focus on how a residential service:
- helps the young person to understand their current situation and supports their involvement in making decisions about their life
- supports access to their culture and community
- uses culturally appropriate tools and service methodologies and
- involves a range of carers and other service providers in meeting the young person’s needs.
Applying the indicators, Advocates will ask young people directly about their contact with culture and community. They will look at how the house applies the culturally relevant policy and operational expectations of that service provider and the residential care system and they will assess cultural aspects of the house’s physical and social environment.
Focussing on the situation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in this way will help the Guardian to meet her statutory obligation to ‘promote the best interests of children under the guardianship, or in the custody, of the Minister, and in particular those in alternative care.’
The Office is discussing aspects of the new indicators with a variety of stakeholders.
The indicators will be included as a part of the information package that accompanies the Residential Care Self-evaluation Survey in June 2016.
For further information about the development of the new Culture and Community Indicators, please contact Alan Fairley, GCYP Senior Policy Officer, at alan.fairley@gcyp.sa.gov.au.
This article originally appeared in the February 2016 edition of the Guardian’s Newsletter.