National Children’s Commissioner appointed

National Children’s Commissioner Megan Mitchell

Ms Megan Mitchell has been appointed as Australia’s first National Children’s Commissioner.

The text of a media release by the Australian Children’s Commissioners and Guardians is reproduced below.

Monday 25 February 2013

The Australian Children’s Commissioners and Guardians (ACCG) welcomes the appointment of the National Children’s Commissioner

All Australian Children’s Commissioners and Guardians today congratulated Ms Megan Mitchell on her appointment as Australia’s first National Children’s Commissioner.

“We congratulate Ms Mitchell on her appointment, and are excited at the prospect of what can be achieved by a national commissioner.  We look forward to working closely with Ms Mitchell on many shared public policy and program areas”, said Ms Kerryn Boland, ACCG Convener.

The ACCG is a network of Commissioners and Guardians from each Australian State and Territory, who work together to progress a range of national initiatives relevant to the rights and wellbeing of children and young people.

“Ms Mitchell brings significant experience and expertise to the position, and has already contributed to the work of the ACCG in her previous capacity as NSW Commissioner for Children and Young People.  We look forward to continuing this productive relationship”, said Ms Boland.

Media Contact:          Ms Kerryn Bolan – Convener

Australian Children’s Commissioners and Guardians (ACCG)

02 8219 3600


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